Zambia Route

To find general information about Zambia including details of accommodation have a look at Zambia in the country file section

Start Finish Distance (Km) Notes
Malawi border Village 52 Great road – tail wind with some sections of cross wind
Village Mfuwe 101 Great road – tail wind with some sections of cross wind
Mfuwe Nyamaluma College 45 Old Petauke Road. Unpaved road in the protected conservation area. Flat terrain with washboards and/or soft sand. Beautiful environment. Watch out for wild life in particular elephants. No water available on this stretch. quite a lot of junctions in the first 8 to 10 Km  worth having your mapping system up as road to take is not always obvious
Nyamaluma College Masenga 49 Old Petauke Road – Dirt road starts to climb and it has dips often with sand at the bottom. More villages with water pumps. Still beautiful and potential wildlife on the road
Masenga Chilembwe 33 Old Petauke Road – The terrain becomes more challenging. Loose rocks and steep ascents out of the dips going on for much longer than the previous day. Villages and access to water
Chilembwe Petauke 50 Old Petauke Road -The road continues to be wide and sandy . About 5km you reach Sandwe a bigger village and just before Petauke you hit the tarmac and a steep climb into the town which has supermarkets and ATMs
Petauke Nyimba 70 Brand new road with a wide hard shoulder which was quite dirty to start with but improves later on. Nice down hill
Nyimba Kacholola 45 Brand new road – ups and downs rollecoastering and able to see for Km ahead. Quiet road
Kacholola Luangwa 60 Brand new road – ups and downs rollecoastering and able to see for Km ahead. Quiet road with upward trend. The road surface worsening after the bridge over the Luangwa River.
Luangwa Rufunsa 65 The rollecoaster continues with overall upward trend with very poor shoulder that needs to be used when overtaken by lorries
Rufunsa Shingela 65 The rollecoaster continues with overall upward trend with very poor shoulder that needs to be used when overtaken by lorries
Shingela Chong we 53 The rollecoaster continues with overall upward trend with very poor shoulder that needs to be used when overtaken by lorries
Chong we Lusaka 51 The road into Lusaka gets busier and flatter – They are widening the road
Lusaka Choma 0 by bus – Karen had a plane to catch!!
Choma Kalomo 63 Good  Road with good tarmac relatively flat – big trucks
Kalomo Zimba 50 Good  Road with good tarmac – gentle roller coaster – big trucks
Zimba Livingstone 77 Good  Road with good tarmac – gentle roller coaster but mostly down – big trucks
Livingstone Kazungula border 66 A good road. beautiful surrounings. saw jirafes by the road. Mostly flat with a couple of long climbs
Total days Cycling days Distance
Total Zambia 34 17 1769