Between the 03 May 2016 and the 10 of July 2016 (69 days) I cycled 2,272 Km (1,412 miles) in Central Asia, including the Pamir Highway covering an average of 63 Km a day. The longest distance I cycled on a single day was 115 Km and the shortest 25 Km.

During that time I spent 973 euros. The average daily cost in Central Asia was 14.10 euros.
Eating out includes not only meals but any ready made refreshments like cakes and soft drinks and of course all those nice cold beers at the end of the day whilst groceries are mainly buying ingredients to cook my own meals. Included in accommodation costs are any gifts I took to say thank you to those that open their doors to me.
The visa section includes the expense of getting Letters of Invitation from third parties like Stantours.
Communication covers the cost of SIM cards and postage to letters home. The Transport costs in this page are the cost of shared taxis and trains in Uzbekistan waiting for the start of my Tajikistan visa and being an off the bike tourist. The the taxi that took me back to Sary Tash from Osh is also included. Having cycled to Osh in the other direction and with time running out of my visa I decided to get transport to take me back and continue onto China. Not included in this section is the flight between Tehran and Tashkent.

The biggest expense was accommodation, breakdown of the accommodation is as follows: