Cameroon Route

To find general information about Cameroon including details of accommodation have a look at Cameroon in the country file section

Start Finish Distance (Km) Notes
Border Ambam 27 Ups and downs but gentler. Still good tarmac
Ambam Biba I 71 The pattern continues lots of villages and hamlets
Biba I Abomvomba 53 Tarred road to Ebolowa then the most beautiful red road with lots of villages
Abomvomba Akom II 49 The beauty continues
Akom II Adjap 47 The beauty continues but with the rain some sections really muddy in particular near bridges.
Adjap Kribi 58 The beauty continues but with the rain some sections really muddy in particular near bridges for 10 km then a good road which  gets worse about 9km before Kribi until the tarred road starts again.
Kribi Ferme Suisse 69 Good tarred road.
Ferme Suisse Douala 29 Good tarred road to Edea. Then got a lift to Douala
Total days Cycling days Distance
Total Cameroon 11 8 403